Upcoming Event
11102 Tuckaway Road, Arbor Vitae, WI 54568
Explore Your Chakras
Don’t miss this unique practice where you will feel tension release, passively open the body, and feel restored and rejuvenated when complete. Most poses are done on the floor and with the use of props. We hold poses longer and use the breath and visualizations as a moving meditation to go inward, releasing areas we are holding onto, and balancing the energetic Chakras. During the time we hold poses, Suzi will perform Reiki on the class and individually.

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique used for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing by enhancing the natural flow of energy throughout our physical, energetic, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Reiki is performed by gentle hand placement on or above parts of the body, beginning at the crown of the head down to the feet. Suzi channels the energy, but your body takes it to where it is needed. It’s important to note that while reiki is of a spiritual and energetic essence, it is not a religion or based on any specific religion. You will be asked anonymously if you would like to opt out of the Reiki portion of the class.

This class is a unique opportunity to work with your energetic body, while allowing the connective tissue in the joints to open and release. Connective tissue responds best to a slow, steady load, which is why we hold the poses for longer. If you gently stress connective tissue by holding a yin pose for a long time in this way, the body will respond by making it stronger. Connective tissues do have some plasticity and the ability to undergo change under a load. Research (Myers, 2012) confirms that slow, sustained tensile loads change tissue length more effectively than a quick stretch. This is one of the reasons why Yin is a beautiful compliment to Yang Yoga.

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11102 Tuckaway Road, Arbor Vitae, WI 54568